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Jobs in Florida USA

Jobs in Florida

Leading jobs in Florida are in livestock, copper mines, cotton production, tourism industry and production of citrus fruits, etc. Along with mining, people in Florida work in industries or sectors such as cotton, cattle, citrus, and tourism, etc. With its pleasing surrounding and attractive tourist destinations, Florida attracts travelers from around the world. Sectors such as mines Industry or retail goods industry provide ample jobs in Florida.

Jobs in Florida are mostly found in military of the US which has a huge base here. Florida houses nearly 24 military bases including of Unified Combatant Commands; United States Central Command in Tampa, United States Southern Command in Doral, and United States Special Operations Command in Tampa. Data suggest that there are 109,390 U.S. military personnel currently stationed in Florida which contributes nearly $52 billion a year to the country’s economy.

Growth Prospects in Jobs in Florida

Along with military, jobs in Florida are found in travel and tourism sector. It is the major revenue generator of the state, and deals with other industrial sectors too. As home of Walt Disney Resort- the largest resort on the planet, Florida is also famed for its fruit production. Phosphate mining, concentrated in the Bone Valley, is the state's third-largest industry in the United States of America which amounts to 75 percent of the phosphate required by farmers in the United States.

Fishing industry in Florida offers extensive range of jobs in Florida. By the way, Florida's economy was based upon cattle farming and agriculture (especially sugarcane, citrus, tomatoes, and strawberries) which still form a large part in the economy of the state. The NASA Merritt Island launched sites on Cape Canaveral in 1962, and owing to it, Florida has become a center of aerospace industry in the USA which not only generates high end jobs but also helps state in research and development.

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