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Jobs in Arizona

Jobs in Arizona

Jobs in Arizona are primarily in government sector; however, some private firms including of Walmart provide ample job opportunities in Arizona. Arizona was the 48th and last of the contiguous states, admitted to the USA. It is an arid place and has desert climate. However, the northern part of the state has pine forests and mountain ranges with cooler weather than the lower deserts. Leading jobs in Arizona are in livestock, copper mines, cotton production, tourism industry and production of citrus fruits, etc.

With its pleasing surrounding and attractive tourist destinations, Arizona attracts travelers from around the world. In fact, travel and tourism in Arizona attracts lots of revenue and plays crucial role in growth and development of the state. Arizona accounts for two-third of total mines/ore output of USA mineral reserves and excavation. Sectors such as mines Industry or retail goods industry provide ample job opportunities to people.

Career prospects in Arizona

Although unemployment rate in Arizona is quite high in comparison to other states, people with excellent skills in technology have upper hand in getting jobs in Arizona. Some renowned educational institutes such as Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona, American Indian College, Art Center College of Design, Art Institute of Tucson, Art Institute of Phoenix, A.T. Still University, Collins College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and many others fulfill the specific requirements of students.

Whereas the USA is moving ahead in terms of growth and development, Arizona is not matching the pace competitively. The major sector which fuels the growth and development of Arizona is mining. Along with mining, people in Arizona do Copper mining, cotton, cattle, citrus, and climate i.e. tourism. There was a time when Arizona has become a leading manufacturer of cotton and cotton products. On the other hand, copper is still extensively mined from many expansive open-pit and underground mine and employ thousands of skilled and unskilled workers.

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