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Jobs in Melbourne

Jobs in Melbourne

Experiencing the status of one of the most developed cities of the world, 'Melbourne'- the business hub of Australia is considered as the busiest city of the nation. A home to country's most important seaport and headquarter of famed Australian automotive companies Toyota and Ford, Melbourne accounts for 39% of the nation's trade.

Being one among the financial hubs in Asia-pacific, Melbourne houses two of the biggest banks those are respectively NAB and ANZ.

Housing Australia’s biggest corporations, the city is rated 34th in the list of 50 most affluent cities of the world. (Note- this survey was done by MasterCard).

The coastal city is revenue centre of Australia, apart from Industries and financial organisations; tourism plays a key role in revenue generation.

The Asian-Pacific city has hired experts from all around the globe and still offers miraculous job opportunities to all those, who are considered skilled. The city is great for personal and professional   rejuvenation. Looking for a job opportunity, click ‘jobs in Melbourne’ section of; the site is replete with opportunity information from all around the world.

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